Product information

Since 1999 the WINTEX 1000 is our most-sold automatic soil sampler for soil samples up to the depth of 25 cm. Especially the ease of use, its consistency and sampling speed is highly appreciated by our customers.

Up to 300 sticks and 20 soil samples per hour make soil sampling fast and efficient. The number of soil samples and the acreage covered increase significantly compared to soil sampling by hand. There is no need for hiring extra help and physical strain is minimized.

The WINTEX 1000 is developed for sampling the top layers of the soil to be able to measure the content of micro nutrients. The depth can be adjusted infinitely from 0-25 cm. The samples are taken by a soil sampler probe and not with an auger. This ensures a completely homogenous sample. If a sample is taken with an auger, you will always take more material from the top layers than from the lower layers of the soil.

The specially developed soil probe carries 300-450 g of soil which is the preferred quantity to be used at the laboratories for analysis. The soil sample is automatically dropped into a soil box from which it can be filled into boxes or bags ready to be sent to the laboratory. This ensures a quick and effective way of getting through work. For higher efficiency the WINTEX 1000 is equipped with three settings to adapt to different soil samples.

The WINTEX 1000 is reliable and extremely user-friendly. All operations are easily carried out from the driver’s seat. The soil sampler only needs minimum maintenance, and the probe is easily replaced. 

If the WINTEX 1000 is used in combination with a GPS positioning system, the soil samples will be geographically registered and can later on be used for variable rate lime and fertilizer maps.

The WINTEX 1000 can be mounted on almost every vehicle and it is easily installed with quick couplings.


Samples/hour: 20
Sticks/hour: 300
Sticks/sample: 14-16
Volume/sample: 18 mm probe: 1,4 g/cm,
21 mm probe: 2,2 g/cm
at a density 1:1
Diameter probe: 18 mm and 21 mm
Hydraulic system: Honda GX160, 4,8 hp
Hydraulic consumption: 7,5 l/min, 75-100 bar
Hydraulic tank: 3 litres
Electrical power: 12 V DC
Capacity battery: 14 Ah, 250 W
Net weight: 48,5 kg

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Your down-to-earth partner

The owner of Wintex Agro is Torben Vinther who is educated and examined in agriculture and the cultivation of plants. With his outstanding know-how and great experience within precision farming and farming in general, he has specialized in developing and manufacturing automatic soil samplers.

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